Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Role Play & Uniquely Me!

    According to Wikipedia role playing is defined as "the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role". Though we each have our own easy to describe ways of putting what role play is, we can all agree that it is assuming the life of someone other than ourselves.

What sort of guideline( or rules) must we follow?

    There are several set in stone guidelines and many guidelines to specific places. Here are common RP guidelines that almost everywhere enforces.

1. Be realistic! Don't God-Mote. God-Moting refers to one using extra ordinary abilities that one of their species would not have. If you are RPing a human thne you only act as a normal human being would. Also can refer to making something appear out of thin air.
    example: Jane, a human, walks on water naked. Halfway through walking across the lake. she decides she wants to paint and paints the sunset with oil paints on a canvas.
2. Stay in role! When we are in role we call it being In Character (IC). When you are IC, you are becoming a baby or whoever you want and living the life as a young adult would if they were in the scene you have set out. When you are IC nothing from the person behind the screen comes out into your character. When nature calls or i need to go for a moment what do i do? We all get interrupted in one way or another at times. When this happens we say Out Of Character (OOC) be right back (brb) or away from keyboard (afk) in double parentheses.
    example: Jane says "hi Jill. You don't look familiar to me. Are you new?". Later on in the conversation Jane needs to go to the bathroom, so she posts (( afk )).

3. Use common sense! We all should know what common sense is. One of the best ways to figure out if something you are about to do is sensible or not, is to say it out loud to yourself. If it sounds dumb, stupid, not something that is intelligent, then DO NOT do it.
    example: Jane just got caned the previous day for not wearing the proper uniform. When she sits up the following morning, she will (if the person wielding the cane knew what they were doing) feel soreness on her bottom. The soreness reminds her of her lesson yesterday and she puts on the proper full uniform to not get in trouble for the same transgression twice.

4. Don't use "txt lingo"! Txt lingo refers  to shortening words as a convenience for you. This is considered extremely lazy! I know we are not all walking dictionaries and English textbooks, but try to spell correctly and use proper grammar. If you happen to make a mistake, then correct it with saying   "too" or use an * after your corrected mistake.
    example: "i kwno u did it!"
                        know you*

Uniquely Me!

Wow! That seems like a lot of guidelines to follow. You must make yourself unique. I mean come on, do we really want a ton of robots wandering around the grid? Take the person you are portraying to be. How would you describe that person? What does she like and dislike?


You just learned what RP is, basic RP guidelines and a little on how to make yourself unique. To better your character, please fill out the following questions. Remember, even though you are portraying someone else, some characteristics of the person behind the screen can come out into your character. Please remember that everything you fill out must be who you want to be. No putting something down just because your friend put it down and you want to fit in. Be Unique! If you say you are a banana tall shape, your shape must reflect that you are a banana tall shape. if you say you are an INFP , then your personality must reflect this.

Basic Info
    BIRTHDAY (sl month & day + year of age you are playing):
    BODY SIZE (choose one):
        Petite, Average, Tall
    DISTINGUISHING MARKS (birthmarks, scars, tattoos, moles, freckles ect...  please describe them):

    TYPE (please take this test to determine what type you are http://www.personalitytest.net/cgi-bin/q.pl ):
   AURA COLORS (please choose 3 colors from the url that best describe you in order of strengths http://www.auracolors.com/about-your-colors.html ):
   TIME OF DAY (choose one):
        early morning, morning, mid-morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening, night or late night
    CLOTHING STYLE (when we are not made to wear uniforms):
    FAVORITE TIME OF DAY (choose one):
       Early Morning, Morning, Mid Morning, Mid Day (noon), Early Afternoon, Late Afternoon, Evening, Night, Late Night

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