Wednesday, November 28, 2012

STORE: Love Soul

Hair is a big part of any babygirls look and at Love Soul there is excellent  styles for babygirls! Almost all of their hair has hair bows or other accessories! Take a look at some of my favorite styles from them. :)

Click Here To Go To LOVE SOUL

 HAIR 082

                                                                             HAIR 103


 HAIR 114


                                                       HAIR 118

 HAIR 124


                 HAIR KYARY




                                                                          HAIR 160

Dress- Katat0nik - Cubby Costume in Lavender (group gift)
Long Sleeve Top - Honey Kitty - Favorite Blouse in Sugar
Skin - Curio - Meadow Pure in Petal
Earrings - Turducken - Cupcake Earrings
Candy Nom Nom - LacieCakes- Rock Candy
Collar & Cuffs - Sensations - Fusion Collection
Glasses - December - Glasses no. 71

Why Do i Do All This?

There's a question i get asked often; Why do i do all this? i feel that it should be explained to you all. In 2007 i met my DaddieSir and became his little girl. We met on a spanking D/s chat room and while that is my primary lifestyle choice, being a Little also comes into play. He recognized it first and i did a little research. Turns out there was a close friend of his that lived in the same town as we were at. This close friend and her husband ran an AB/DL Babysitting service out of their home. On the weekends for several months i  went over there to learn, help out and overall just chill out with like minded people. Before going to that AB/DL Babysitting, i really didn't know much about AB/DL or Littles. Just thought i was an immature person who never grew up...

While at the AB/DL Babysitters, i got to experience many fun things like; being in a high chair, in a crib with a cage top, being in a diaper (or diapers cos they were layered with many stuffers), getting dressed up in cute clothes, going out in the yard to play on the swings, meeting fun people, random food fights, drinking from a bottle and sippy cup, being chaised around the house with yuckie liquid medicine then spanked over a diaper (which doesnt hurt at all LOL) and put to bed, pacifiers, playing with blocks and fun bathtime, oh and the bestest part lots of tv time with cartoons n blankie and snoopy plushie time. All-in-all what i'm saying is that i been through days, weekends and at one point almost an entire week of being a little sister (or big "little" sister) to people.

So to come back to the original question... i was fortunate enough to get to experience  professional babysitting for many months. For over 5 years i've been my RL DaddieSir's little girl. All that i learned throughout the years and gotten to experience, i want others to have here in SL and hopefully find their own Daddies, Mommies and PYOT (Pick Your Own Title). So i created my shop, started building for AB/DLs and Littles only. Then this group came to me in a dream, to take my goal one step more; to have a way for those like minded adults to know of where to get things that are geared for AB/DLs and places to hangout. My goal for this group and my store, is to give all that i learned from my experiences with the AB/DL Nursery and being My DaddieSir's Little Girl. onto here in SL. To give everyone the tools needed to find that special someone to be your Daddy, Mommy or PYOT (Pick Your Own Title), something i know very few get to do in RL. Why not at least have what you want here in you Second Life :)

In conclusion, i am thankful for you all out there. Knowing that my work is helping you guys is what counts. im not doing this for sympathy, pats on the back,  the money, the fame  (which im quite surprised at to be honest) or anything aside from that i want to help. Call it my Girl Scout instinct. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Since i have started being a designer for adult baby & littles products 2 years ago, i have been getting requests after requests to make an RLV sex gen items such as a crib, single bed, mattress and yes even a playground swing n slide, just to name a few... There will NEVER, EVER be any sex gen animations in ANY product made for adult babies & littles here in Second Life! i have personally talked to the owners of Snugglebug, JLUK, Teeter Tots, and of course Absolute Bratz, they will never have any of these such products. Also LPK will not either even though i have not directly spoken to someone from them about this but they keep all their products PG. It is in the TOS people, please  you ALL HAVE AGREED TO IT WHEN YOU MADE YOUR ACCOUNT! Where in the TOS you may ask...

"Promoting or catering to such behavior or representations violates our Community Standards. For instance, the placement of avatars appearing to represent minors in proximity to "sex beds" or other sexualized graphics, objects, or scripts would violate our Community Standards, as would the placement of sexualized "pose balls" or other content in areas depicting playgrounds or children's spaces."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



We have talked a little about limits but not fully about them. Limits are those boundaries that make us feel uncomfey, weired out, turned off and otherwise just plain grossed out. Let's be real for a moment and consider limits...We all have them, If anyone says they do not have limits, they are wrong! Many people out there who feel they do not have any limits, don't know about them until they try something and get totally grossed, weirded or otherwise turned off. With that said, limits can be categorized into two categories, soft and hard limits.

Soft Limits
    These limits include ones that if in the certain situations you are ok with certain people breaking. But remember when breaking a soft limit you must always ask the person in OOC (remember than can be IM or double brackets) if it is ok to do the certain act before it happens.

Hard Limits
    These limits are ones that no one can break under any circumstance at all! If someone does break a hard limit that would be your time to safeword out and go into OOC to tell them what they have done.

  Safewords can be any word, just be sure not to choose a word you use a lot. Even if you don't think you have any limits, its best to have a safeword anyways just in case. There is no shame in safewording out of a situation, if after saying it you talk to the person you are RPing with and discess why you have safeworded out. You are not a bad RPer or submissive if you safeword out but be sure to only safeword if a hard limit has been broken.

How do we let other know of our limits?
    There are some notecards around that have a list of things, some use websites and some just verbally tell their playmate(s). The best way to convey the message of limits, in my opinion, is to use a website. This website was mainly designed for furries but works excellent for humans too.

    We each have our own little stories n stuff but do you actually have it all written down? Remember when you all filled out our character sheet that had a ton of questions? Well now its time to take that out again and create a small backstory for your character. Here's your chance to think about what your character was like before we all knew him/her.

What does a good backstory have in it?
    major childhood events
    where you were raised at
    major habits


Today we talked about limits and our background story. This little homework will be pretty basic but very essentual to make a strong character. Go ahead and get your thinking caps on and create a backstory for your character. Though there is a little catch.... it must be less than 1,022 characters (letters, number & symbols)! Idea is to put this little backstory up in your profile under a Pics tab. (If you need help with that just let me know) Now you all gonna ask, how do i know if its too long or short? Well easy for you cos i have found use character counter to find out how long it is.
    Character Counter:

Also make up your limits list. Upon joining up, you will be asked to make a character. There are many, many kinks on there to say Favorite!, Yes, Maybe, No and NoSPecialPreferance. The NSP will not be viewed on your profile. If you have any questions on any one of the kinks it asks for, hover next to it and it will give a breif discription of what it is. Any other questions, just as me.
        limits website:
        example of mine:

You & Your Shape

    While everyone has their own unique style they prefer, a Little must physically look like an adult when naked. This means an adult body shape. There are many body types for both male and female, so don't worry about looking like a uniform robot.

    Most adult places have minimum human adult heights. It's safe to be above 1.65m but i would not go any shorter. If you are unsure on your height Go to the AB/DL Resource Center and touch on the black box with green words above it. Height is not only the contributing factor that goes into an adult shape. You must look like an adult when naked.
    For females this means breasts, hips, and overall curves in the right places. An adult female must have one of the listed body shapes from the below website.
    Same goes for males, if you are male then you should look like a male. As males mature into adulthood they get broader shoulders, their "package" grows, as well as a few other things. Males must have one of the listed body shapes from the below website.

    Representing a body type is not the only thing that you must seek in a shape. Your shape must be proportionate! Did you know that in rl from your fingertip to fingertip when your arms are extended out like an airplane wing, its length equals your height? What about that as an adult, you should be about 6 to 7 heads length tall? Or how about that from the very tippy top of your head to your crotch should be half your body length? (( Yus you pervs that really is where the halfway point of a human body is at! ))
    All sounds confuzzling and made up? The below website will step you through how to make your shape be proportionate. At first it will all seem to be a hoax but really try doing the measurements described in the website on your real body and you'll see what i mean.

Role Play & Uniquely Me!

    According to Wikipedia role playing is defined as "the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role". Though we each have our own easy to describe ways of putting what role play is, we can all agree that it is assuming the life of someone other than ourselves.

What sort of guideline( or rules) must we follow?

    There are several set in stone guidelines and many guidelines to specific places. Here are common RP guidelines that almost everywhere enforces.

1. Be realistic! Don't God-Mote. God-Moting refers to one using extra ordinary abilities that one of their species would not have. If you are RPing a human thne you only act as a normal human being would. Also can refer to making something appear out of thin air.
    example: Jane, a human, walks on water naked. Halfway through walking across the lake. she decides she wants to paint and paints the sunset with oil paints on a canvas.
2. Stay in role! When we are in role we call it being In Character (IC). When you are IC, you are becoming a baby or whoever you want and living the life as a young adult would if they were in the scene you have set out. When you are IC nothing from the person behind the screen comes out into your character. When nature calls or i need to go for a moment what do i do? We all get interrupted in one way or another at times. When this happens we say Out Of Character (OOC) be right back (brb) or away from keyboard (afk) in double parentheses.
    example: Jane says "hi Jill. You don't look familiar to me. Are you new?". Later on in the conversation Jane needs to go to the bathroom, so she posts (( afk )).

3. Use common sense! We all should know what common sense is. One of the best ways to figure out if something you are about to do is sensible or not, is to say it out loud to yourself. If it sounds dumb, stupid, not something that is intelligent, then DO NOT do it.
    example: Jane just got caned the previous day for not wearing the proper uniform. When she sits up the following morning, she will (if the person wielding the cane knew what they were doing) feel soreness on her bottom. The soreness reminds her of her lesson yesterday and she puts on the proper full uniform to not get in trouble for the same transgression twice.

4. Don't use "txt lingo"! Txt lingo refers  to shortening words as a convenience for you. This is considered extremely lazy! I know we are not all walking dictionaries and English textbooks, but try to spell correctly and use proper grammar. If you happen to make a mistake, then correct it with saying   "too" or use an * after your corrected mistake.
    example: "i kwno u did it!"
                        know you*

Uniquely Me!

Wow! That seems like a lot of guidelines to follow. You must make yourself unique. I mean come on, do we really want a ton of robots wandering around the grid? Take the person you are portraying to be. How would you describe that person? What does she like and dislike?


You just learned what RP is, basic RP guidelines and a little on how to make yourself unique. To better your character, please fill out the following questions. Remember, even though you are portraying someone else, some characteristics of the person behind the screen can come out into your character. Please remember that everything you fill out must be who you want to be. No putting something down just because your friend put it down and you want to fit in. Be Unique! If you say you are a banana tall shape, your shape must reflect that you are a banana tall shape. if you say you are an INFP , then your personality must reflect this.

Basic Info
    BIRTHDAY (sl month & day + year of age you are playing):
    BODY SIZE (choose one):
        Petite, Average, Tall
    DISTINGUISHING MARKS (birthmarks, scars, tattoos, moles, freckles ect...  please describe them):

    TYPE (please take this test to determine what type you are ):
   AURA COLORS (please choose 3 colors from the url that best describe you in order of strengths ):
   TIME OF DAY (choose one):
        early morning, morning, mid-morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening, night or late night
    CLOTHING STYLE (when we are not made to wear uniforms):
    FAVORITE TIME OF DAY (choose one):
       Early Morning, Morning, Mid Morning, Mid Day (noon), Early Afternoon, Late Afternoon, Evening, Night, Late Night

Let's Talk Baby Talk!

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Littles in SL

Littles and AB/DL in SL is a little different than RL. No matter what your play is, you should have 18+ SL and RL age listed somewhere on your profile. If you play child and adult avatars on the same account (name) then be sure to make two tabs in your Picks tab of your profile with pictures of each so people know the difference between the two. i strongly disagree using the same account for both child and adult avatars! If your adult form goes to any adult sexual places or is a part of any adult orientated groups, you should not have a child avatar in that account. Create another account for your child avatar!

On the topic of child avatars..... Many Littles and AB/DLs get accused of being child avatars because their avatar dressing quite young looking. Sadly, if you get accused of being a child avatar, you might banned from the place you are at without being able to defend yourself that you aren't a child avatar. In some cases, depending on the person you could  have an Abuse Report filed upon you, which could lead your account to become permanently terminated and your IP address banned from SL. This is why it is so important to put 18+ SL and RL in your profile and ensure that your physical appearance without anything on represents that of an adults.

While everyone has their own unique style they prefer, a Little and an AB/DL must physically look like an adult. This means an adult skin and body shape. Most adult places have minimum avatar heights. To be on the safe side, i would be 1.65m or taller. It's ok if you want to be petite, make sure you look like an adult and not a child. This means boobs (many skin makers are making A cup skins), curves in the right places and general body shape of an adult. This website will help on the differant Female Body Shapes Same goes for males, if you are male then you should look like a male. As males mature into adulthood they get broader shoulders as well as a few other things.

Your skin must be that of an adults! Most Littles and AB/DLs think that they can get an adult shape and put it on a child skin. WRONG! This will get an Abuse Report filed on you for sexual ageplaying; a child avatar being involved in sexual situations.  With your adult body shape, you must also have an adult skin; meaning breasts, facial features of an adult, and genitals. Most AB/DLs do not want makeup and almost every major skin creator offers a "nude" version of their skins with no makeup. There are many innocent looking skins out there and most skin stores will also have shapes and eyes for you to buy. For innocent looking skins, try search for Japanese or kawaii skins; Sakurako, Cupcakes, Curio, Cherrygirl, Mother Goose's, and LittleGirl are very nice skin shops. Also a few stores have A cup skins and/or skin enhancements to their skins to make em look A cup: LAQ, Curio, Serrao Naughty Designs, Tuli and Pink Fuel.

As everyone, we have our own unique style of dress. Ovbiouslly most ABs prefer childish looking outfits and most DLs prefer more mature looking outfits. Mature looking outfits are easier to find. Childish outfits that fit adults are rather hard to find. Most prefer to go to  Larnia Kids, Lvs Kids, DC Products and lolita styles. No matter what look you are going for, keep in mind that all clothes made for kids are made for that body type so you will need to make sure you can modify them to fit your body.

Like in RL, you can give up control to what you wear, do and even what you say here in SL. Before i get into how you can give up control, you must be aware that the person or persons you are going to giving up control know of your limits. If they do not know of your limits, everyone involved may be put in an odd situation that is uncomfey for them. resulting in many possiabilities.

The below website is a very handy tool to help show people of your limits. Upon joining up, you will be asked to make a character. There are many, many kinks on their to say Favorite!, Yes, Maybe, No and NoSpecialPreferance. The NSP will not be viewed on your profile. If you have any questions on any one of the kinks it asks for, hover next to it and it will give a breif discription of what it is. It is highly reccomended that you post your limits list somewhere in your profile.
        Limits Website

Here in SL the system used to give up control is called Restrained Love Viewer (RLV). It takes a bit to set RLV up but once you do, it makes life a ton easier and BDSM in SL more real. Even though you may be giving up control to Dominants, it is a good idea to have someone you trust or an alt to be on your collar as a secondary owner in case something happens to bail you out. When people lock items on you, they are locked on you and you can not detach it! Be careful with who you give RLV powers to. Often enough, a collar plus an RLV Relay is used to do this. Below are the main collar scripts. Depending on your play and lifestyle should determine which one you use.
    Yuus/Nuu by Sneek
        made for child avies but works excellent for ABs & Littles
    Amethyst Collar by Sensations
        made for submissives & slaves
    Dari's Haus Collar By Dari Haus
        made for submissives & slaves
       Where to Get:
    OpenCollar by
        made for submissives & slaves
    Tokon by Xcite!
        made for submissives & slaves

Most AB/DLs want to wear a diaper. There are many out there to choose from. All come with a wet/mess system, are show/hidable, and a few features of their own, which are listed below.
        frilly diaper (frills and ruffles can be hidden)
        "hold it or give in" accident feature
        many diaper and tape skins plus colors
        furry & hybrid friendly w/hidable tail tape
        LM: ?
    Cool diaper
        many rlv functions
        looks like your butt is inside it
        feeding system, which effects going potty
        LM: ?
    DoD Diaper
        ultra big
        ultra embarrising
        fart and pee on command
        LM: ?
    Keiki Korner's Diaper
        clothing layer
        will always fit
        demo version aviable
        ideal to wear instead of panties if your outfit doesn't permit your diaper to show (hide it and wear this if you want it shown you are wearing a diaper)
        only aviable on Marketplace:
    Training Panties
        ultra slim
        ment for those who want to play out getting potty trained
        interactive training game for the wearer and Caretaker
        many designs